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Mortgage Protection Insurance
- How to use a Life Insurance Program to secure your home -
If you are like most people their home is their largest asset as well as their largest financial responsibility - it make sense that you take some time to protect what you have worked so hard to get. When a tragedy strikes and income is lost it can become extremely difficult for your family to stay in the home that you worked so hard for to get up to this point.
Read below to see how you can protect your home and your family through a term life insurance policy.
-- How does Mortgage Protection Insurance work?--
Mortage Protection Insurance is an insurance program that is typically purchased just after you purchase or refinance your home. There are 2 common ways that most tend to protect their mortgage. This is either done through a Mortgage Protection program that is tied to your mortgage lender. Or through a Term Life Insurance policy. While they will both cover your mortgage - a mortgage protection program through your mortgage lender ONLY protects the mortgage company, this lists them as the beneficiary of the insurance and means that your family doesn't see any of the proceeds from the policy.
This doesn't sound to great... This is why a Term Life Insurance policy is so important.
With a Term Life Insurance policy your FAMILY is the beneficiary of the policy - the one who receives the payment to take care of the remaining balance of your mortgage. All of these policies have a level benefit, which means even as all you are paying down on your mortgage to your life insurance will remain the same to be left behind for your family and will also be paid out as a Tax-Free benefit.
Mortgage Protection helps provide a financial cushion to protect your assets and your family if you were to die.
Options that are available
Coverage Amount ranging from $25,000 - $300,000 without any medical exams
Living Benefits - Have access to your life insurance policy before you pass. With living benefits you will have access to your death benefit if you suffer from a critical, chronic, or terminal illness
Affordable Premiums - From companies that you know and trust
No Medical Exams - Most under 70 will likely be able to qualify for the coverage with no medical exams necessary
Convertable Options - You will always have the flexibility to convert your policy to a permanent insurance policy if you choose.
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